Linksys Velop Tri-band Whole Home Wifi Mesh System Review

The Velop Mesh Router Arrangement is Linksys first entry and forays into the market of mesh Wi-Fi systems that comprise plug -in rather than the standard tabletop nodes.

The Velop Mesh Router Organisation utilizes a tri-band system that already puts it above most of the competition.

However, Linksys is not content with just having a tri-band system and saw fit to equip the Velop with their signature Linksys Intelligent Mesh technology.

How does this proprietary Wi-Fi mesh engineering science improve the Velop's performance?

That is what we will exist answering in this review also as other key points to aid y'all determine whether this is the Wi-Fi mesh system that you demand.

The Linksys Velop features a vertical design that gives off the modernistic and minimalist appeal. You can as well choose from a one-unit of measurement parcel to a three-piece pack.

This allows customers to expand their mesh arrangement if needed as they tin can choose to purchase a unmarried unit of measurement.

So, how does the Linksys Velop Mesh Arrangement compare to others in the market place?

Is this another summit-tier product from the well-known wireless technology manufacturer? Let's discover out.

Minimalist and Modern Aesthetics

A consummate opposite of the standard router design, the Linksys Velop takes on a visually pleasing advent with its compact vertical build.

Virtually routers, even modern ones, typically feature athwart and large exterior cases with a substantial number of external antennas.

While this appeals to a bulk of customers, sometimes you desire a dandy router to complement your modern and organized home.

This is where the Linksys Velop belongs. The low-key design makes it more than similar a modern interior decoration than a high-tech wireless system.

Since a Wi-Fi mesh organisation will be installed in dissimilar areas of the residence, the design is a priority for most manufacturers.

This is why you run across this type of router incorporating a vastly dissimilar approach when information technology comes to appearance. It needs to be not only functional simply also fashionable.

The Linksys Velop hits the mark with its minimalistic design which will undoubtedly blend nicely into your home's interior blueprint.

The compact design leaves a considerably small footprint and helps the router and nodes to blend into the background. The Velop is not designed to catch attending.

No Nonsense Applied Build

The Linksys Velop router/node all accept a measurement of 4.7 x 3 x 2.1-inches (HWD).

It is besides around 7.3-inches tall and simply takes about 3-inches in regards to the foursquare base of the unit, which makes it considerably more than compact than the NETGEAR Orbi with its ball-shaped design.

Backside the router is a mesh roofing which gives it ample ventilation while also giving it that premium polish. The front side is pretty elementary with its solid white blueprint.

If you are non a fan of the all-white aesthetic, the Linksys Velop comes in black every bit well. Withal, this version does not seem to be available in all markets.

The Velop also took into business relationship cable management into its design with a small gap at the bottom which you lot tin use to store actress cables to prevent your rig from looking similar a tangled mess of cords.

This is a unproblematic yet highly welcome blueprint inclusion and fits perfectly well with what the Linksys Velop is aiming for in regards to its overall design.

Too, of notation are the LED status indicators which are subtly implemented into the outer example, which prevents it from being too distracting.

A Piece of Block to Gear up

Staying true to its user-friendly aesthetics, the Linksys Velop as well provides users with a quick and easy manner to set up their habitation mesh organization.

This Wi-Fi mesh system is a 'plug-and-play' device with its straightforward and automated installation process. Setting up the Velop is a pretty standard Wi-Fi mesh system thing.

You have ane of the nodes and use it every bit the primary router that connects your network to the cyberspace via modem. Yous tin can then use the other Velop units to extend your Wi-Fi range.

Equally we have already stated, setting up the Linksys Velop is incredibly easy. Only plug in the chief router, allow it to kicking, go to the official web portal and follow the procedure via the Setup Wizard.

Once done, update your Wi-Fi login credentials (the SSID and password) and you lot are set to go. As for the nodes, please identify them in an ideal location in your habitation, plug them in, and wait for information technology to connect to the main router automatically.

There is as well a Linksys app that y'all tin download and install on your smartphone (Android and iOS) to access your mesh router settings.

The app allows you to make adjustments on your router without needing to become to the Linksys web portal.

Yet, do take note that depending on how many extra units you will install (nosotros used the 3-pack Velop mesh router system), complete installation may take a while.

In our case, it took us about 30 minutes to completely fix up the Wi-Fi mesh arrangement – a majority of which was waiting for the units to kick up and connect to the main router.

Functionalities and Features

Limited and Basic Features

The Linksys Velop's weak point undoubtedly resides with its barebones features.

While non exactly a deal-billow, this limited number of elements does exactly endear this Wi-Fi mesh arrangement to the more hardcore internet user base similar gamers and streamers.

Then again, the Linksys Velop seems to be aimed towards the more casual customer base.

The Linksys Velop likewise won't appeal to users that wish to customize their network as the optimization settings that are establish here are incredibly restrictive.

For case, the ability to customize the Wi-Fi network is pretty much non-real with everything already pre- programmed.

While the Wi-Fi network is already optimized by default, I still prefer having the power to tweak and adjust specific settings when needed.

Because of this limited network customization capability, I don't recommend the Linksys Velop for users who like to go in-depth when it comes to optimizing their router settings.

However, this as well makes the Linksys Velop an appealing choice for beginners and newbies who prefer a decent plug and play Wi-Fi mesh system.

The Linksys Velop indeed aims for the family market if you bank check the boosted Wi-Fi features that it does provide, namely, bandwidth prioritization and parental controls. Still, I found both parts to be somewhat clunky compared to other routers.

Parental control, for example, only allows limiting one device at any given time.

Velop does not offering the power to restrict multiple connected devices at once or scheduling of internet connection which is a mutual feature in most router parental command settings.

Hopefully, Linksys will rectify this with a firmware update in the future.

Reliable Tri-band Router

What the Linksys Velop lacks in features, it more than makes up for with its foundations. The Velop incorporates a dedicated backhaul, i 5GHz stream, which helps in linking together the satellite nodes with each other.

What this simple solution does is eliminate one of the most common bug in mesh Wi-Fi systems, the fifty% reduction in signal efficiency between the main router and the nodes.

This guarantees that the nodes will be able to broadcast at the optimum range and evangelize the best possible throughput.

As you can see, what the Velop lacks in flexibility, it makes up for in delivering robust raw mesh Wi-Fi system functioning.

Actress Supplemental Features

The Linksys app offers some additional functions to help provide farther convenience to the user.

Still, the available settings found in the app is quite express and displays only a handful of customizable router configurations.

Opening the app will lead you to the main dashboard, which displays your net's condition and a listing of all connected devices to the network.

Navigating through the rudimentary interface will besides lead you to parental control, bandwidth prioritization, and guest network.

As we have already discussed earlier, parental control feels outdated with but a handful of features bachelor, and these features are limited themselves.

The bandwidth prioritization feature is pretty self-explanatory and allows users to pick specific devices to receive the king of beasts'south share of the bandwidth. Think of it as a prototype version of the Quality of Service (QoS).

The Guest Network allows users to allow specific devices to connect to the internet using their Wi-Fi without enabling them to access network-specific files and tools such as printers.

The Velop also allows users to subscribe to the Linksys Shield, which costs effectually $iv.99/month. This feature provides users access to a kid, pre-teen, and developed presets depending on the user/device.

The Child preset restricts the device from accessing websites that are known to contain adult content equally well equally limit access to websites that offer downloads and social media sites every bit well.

The Pre-teen preset still blocks access to websites that contain adult content but releases some of the restrictions concerning downloading. The Adult preset releases all limits to the user.


Stable Speed and Impressive Range

Since this a Wi-Fi mesh system, indicate coverage volition be its principal selling indicate. If yous alive in an unusually large abode, this type of router might exist platonic in your specific instance.

The Linksys Velop offers quite an impressive range even if you have only one unit/router.

At 25-feet abroad, the Velop managed to maintain stable throughput speeds. Double the distance, we did detect a considerable drib of nigh 50% in its speeds but consider this, this is merely with i unit of measurement. Nosotros haven't fifty-fifty plugged in the additional satellite nodes, all the same.

To aid you lot make up one's mind the best distance between each Velop satellite node, I recommend y'all use the Linksys mobile app speed test.

However, I practise desire to stress 1 particular aspect of the Velop router, its max throughput speeds.

The Linksys Velop hits the ceiling at 50Mbps. It is essential to have this into account, mainly if your Internet service provider provides you with higher bandwidth as the Velop will not be able to back up premium speeds.

In terms of file transfers, though, the Velop went above and beyond what was expected. Information technology managed to deliver double the transfer speeds than that of the NETGEAR Orbi.

Overall, the Linksys Velop appears to be aimed at casual, and family unit internet users with its simplicity and convenient interface.

The range that each node can provide also makes the Velop an first-class Wi-Fi mesh system for larger residences.

As a mid-range Wi-Fi mesh system, the Velop is quite expensive than most of the other Wi-Fi mesh organization routers in the market.

That said, the Linksys Velop is a petty crude around the edges and lacks in the router feature department. This is a rudimentary Wi-Fi mesh arrangement in every sense of the word.

It will appeal to casual internet users and families living in a large home. Its uncomplicated configuration ways you won't need to tinker with the router equally it will automatically go for the optimum settings.

Of course, that also highlights the Linksys Velop's limitations.


  • Excellent throughput speeds at curt to medium range per Velop unit/node.
  • Beginner-friendly and straightforward interface.
  • It is equipped with MU-MIMO engineering science.
  • Sleek, minimalist, and modern blueprint.


  • Very expensive in comparison to its contest.
  • It has limited features and functionalities.

Final Verdict

Due to the exceptionally high price tag, the Linksys Velop is non the about enticing selection of the agglomeration.

There are cheaper alternatives out there if you are looking for a Wi-Fi mesh arrangement. What the Linksys Velop brings is the ease of utilise, but that price tag volition still make customers interruption.

There are other Wi-Fi mesh systems out there that are available at a lower cost tag and more features, so I suggest y'all check those out get-go.


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